Unique to every THX Certified Cinema is the THX “baffle wall.” If you were to peel away the screen at any THX Certified Cinema, you will see a large wall of speakers housed in an acoustic baffle. This is called the speaker system enclosure. The baffle wall is approximately the same size as the screen, […]
THX Certification confirms background noise meets NC-30 at all octave bands. This ensures exterior noise from air conditioning units and projection equipment does not mask the subtle effects in a movie’s soundtrack.
A THX Certified Cinemas is a quiet, pristine audio sanctuary because it features massive wall structures to isolate the cinema from the outside world. With these walls, audiences can focus on the movie experience in front of them, as opposed to distracting sounds from neighboring cinema auditoriums, outside traffic and lobby activity. WITH THX SOUND […]
Having to ask the person next to you “What did they say?” is never fun. Sounds bouncing and echoing off surfaces around the room confuse the ear and can make dialogue difficult to understand. Eliminating these audible reflections helps optimize audio clarity.
Reverberation is the presence of sound after the source has stopped – similar to an echo. In movie theaters reverberation often builds when sound is reflected off walls, floors and ceiling surfaces. For example, with action films there are typically loud action sequences, immediately followed by quieter, more dialogue-driven moments. In a THX Certified Cinema […]